This section is dedicated to both the positive and negative aspects of the Harry Potter Series.
If you wish to submit an essay, e-mail it along with your name and contact information to ActorsEquus: Yes, Dan Is a Sinner, But Then So Are We. by Carla LuteA few brief words Daniel Radcliffe's decision to act in the stage play Equus. J.K. RowlingJ.K. Rowling, a Christian? by JohnnyAn article discussing J.K. Rowling's statements about her faith, and the implied impact on the Harry Potter storyline. Laura Mallory's CaseMy Formal Response To Laura Mallory by Angela McGillisA response to Laura Mallory's case to have Harry Potter books removed from the school library. Expanded version: [With Webmaster Commentary.] MagicThe Secret Garden vs. Harry Potter by Andrea V.Compares the use of magic in The Secret Garden next to magic in the Harry Potter series. SymbolismGod, C. S. Lewis, AND J. K. Rowling?: Christian Symbolism in Harry Potter and the Chronicles of Narnia by Ashley Nicole WhiteheadA Senior Thesis focusing on symbols of agape love, Christ figures, and redemption. Tea and Suffering by kate885 An Essay discussing a Christian interpretation of the symbols in Ron's tea leaves. There is not a minimum or maximum length, but essays that are clearly written and well thought out are most likely to be added to the site. We encourage the use of quotes to back up your point both from the Bible and the Harry Potter book in question. To submit an essay, e-mail it along with your name and contact information to |
Disclaimer: This website does not represent Warner Bros., J.K. Rowling, any publisher or religious organization. We are simply Christians and fans who want to provide useful information and discussion on the topics of and surrounding Harry Potter. |